Monday, February 3, 2014


It has been brought to my attention how some Christians are stuck in the place (i.e., your Grand Mama’s church) where they were first saved, water baptized, and filled with the precious Holy Spirit, and they are not receiving any spiritual nourishment from that church; they need to get out and go where they can be fed.  Some people may even feel that a particular chair or pew belongs solely to them because of their money contributions.  I have even heard some people say that the place where you were water baptized is the church that you joined for life and to whom you should give your faithfulness.

When we are baptized—in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit—that is to whom we pledge our lives and allegiances.  Remember that Baptism is an outward sign of an inward change.  The old man is gone, and we are now new creations in Christ Jesus “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (II Cor. 5:17).

We should hold dear those memories of where we were first reinstated with Christ, yet our loyalty should travel with us as we move.  Yes, we should have a home church, but that church should be located where we are currently living, where we are being spiritually fed, and where our tithes (money and time) are given.

If God places it upon your heart to give an offering (that financial gift that is given over our tithes) somewhere else, then by all means do that; but pay your allegiance (tithes) to the place where you are growing in God’s Word.  If that church is not where you are physically located, then, in order to receive spiritual nourishment, you need to get to the place where the church that nourishes you is located.

To read similar stories – get the book: Where Did That Come From?” by Ms. "V" (Victoria Thomas Poller)

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