Saturday, June 14, 2008

I am Healed

I have a testimony. "I passed the Test". Read below. Please come
to my website. I update it often. Thank you for being who you are in my
life. Continue to be blessed in order to be a Bigger Blessing.
Yours in Christ,

Ms. "V"
*Please acknowledge that Mr. McCloud, PR Dir ct. has been given the
privileges to inquire at any depth on my behalf about any matter i.e.
contracts, agreements, all promotional and public relation.

I Believed The Report of My Lord

“I’m looking for a miracle. I expect the impossible. I feel the intangible. I see the invisible. The sky is the limit, to what I can have. Just believe and receive it, God will perform it today. If you believe & receive it, God will perform it today” (recorded by The Clark Sisters).

Well, here I am after 3 biopsies, 7 creams and potions, and numerous 25-mile trips to the Dermatologist; my report is that “I am healed”. The Doctors have ruled out what they thought my condition might have been (Systemic Lupus). My skin still shows some sign of ‘black spots’ and some ‘black areas’, but no more itching, rawness, or flaking of my face, neck, arms and hands. To secure my healing, I do use a sun umbrella during the hottest times of the day.
You probably say that I had a bad case of “Sunburn”, but if you were to see the pictures and talk to my husband (who knew my sun exposure & my daily appearance), you would know that this was not a bad case of ‘sunburn’.

Allow me to back up and explain. This skin condition had started back in October 2007, when I moved to Florida with my Hubby. The sun was not as intense as it is to me now, yet I broke out in a rash-like condition. My skin ‘burned’ from the inside out. No fever, just a hot, tingly sensation that started on the left side of my face. After many creams, pills and potions were prescribed – it cleared up. I was fine for about a month and then ‘wham’, the condition returned to my entire face. Back to the Doctors and now comes a referral to a specialist: a Dermatologist.
Earlier last month I had lost so much weight, I thought it had occurred for all the wrong reasons. No, I didn’t consider the ‘braces’, which are on my teeth, had altered my eating patterns. My daily writing had also curtailed my consumption of food. Walking our dog 3 times a day contributed to my shedding many pounds along with the heat and humidity of Florida. Now if only my muscle tone would come back. I had to pray my way through my thinking that even mosquitoes bites (Lord, why are they part of the food chain?) were a symptom of another debilitating ailment.
I have chosen to believe, to stick with, be convinced of and walk in the promises of God. The devil still tried to mess with my mind with doom and gloom especially when Mr. Tim Russert (NBC news) died of a heart attach recently (1950 – 2008): same age, yet I know whom I serve and whose I am. I’m not saying that he was not (see Bent But Not Broken - The Job Syndrome, A Spiritual Faith Diary).

God is opening doors for Ms. “V”. He’s a real gentleman. Now, I could elaborate more about the grace that God has granted, nonetheless, it will be told in future books to come. Which one? You’ll have to keep up with all the books by Ms. “V”.

This was written to encourage someone out there who needed to know that Our God is still blessing His people. All you have to do is be serious in what you believe, what you confess out of your mouth and how you walk your walk of Faith.

Trust – Believe - Receive

Monday, June 9, 2008

“Standing On The Promises of God”

In order for there to be a “testimony”, there usually are some “tests” that we must “go through”. My next book (Bent But Not Broken) deals with issues of “getting through” different situations in our day-to-day lives. God told me to post this weeks Blog because we must confess (let other know of) our “tests” (things that we may be ‘going through’ and expecting to ‘get out of’) in order for there to be rejoicing over our “testimonies”. It’s what I refer to as “The Job Syndrome”. Are you following me?

Since our move to Florida, my Husband and I are trusting God for our house in New Mexico to sell, so that we may purchase a home here. We are standing on God’s Word and expecting our blessing.

Now, we are standing on ‘scriptures of healing’ for a burning skin condition (I Pet.2: 24, Js.5: 16, Ish. 53: 5, Jer. 17: 14, Mat.8: 13, Mat.12: 15, Lk.8: 47, Acts 14: 9 and others). We bind up the enemy and all his imps, in the name of Jesus. Ministering Angels, we command you to direct the proposed buyers of our property to our house, in the name of Jesus. Thank you Father God for Your many blessings.

We know Rom.2: 11 says, “For there is no respect of persons with God”. What He did for others – He will do for me. I have a “knowing” that I am healed. Just as I know that I am saved (rescued from living a life of destruction); therefore that same ‘knowing’ realizes that I am waiting of a Manifestation (physical evidence) that I have received my healing of burning skin (and no, I do not sit out in the sun). I receive my healing in Jesus name and I will continue to give all the praise to God. I will continue to do my writing & helping others because God is in control and I will honor Him.

For any of you who are out there with unfavorable reports – don’t give up; don’t give in; and don’t take down. Just ask yourself, “Whose report am I going to believe? I will believe the report of the Lord”. As for me and my house – we will believe the report of the Lord.

Ms. “V” (new design)
Trust – Believe – Receive