Monday, July 9, 2012

Picture This – Is this happening in your church?

Situation: there’s a football lying on the ground with a group of players standing around looking at it, and the conversation heard goes something like this:

“Guess we’re gonna make a touch-down soon.” “I wonder how far I could run with that ball.” “I never played football before; I’ll look silly.” “Someone else will pick up the ball and run with it. I’ll wait until they do.” “I’m not running. I’ll mess up my hair. Don’t you run either.” “Oh! I was gonna take it, but I’ll let the quarterback score the goal.” “I’m too tired, and I did enough already.” “I’d play, but I don’t have the right uniform (what happened to come as you are?)” What excuses are these people trying to make?

Now take a look at your position that you hold within your church. Aren’t we supposed to help the church and others? Is someone losing the game because they aren’t taking an active part as a team player?

We must seek to ask God where we fit in and where He would have us to serve. Be encouraged! (I Cor.9: 24-25, II Tim. 4:7, Phil. 3:14 & Mat. 13:12, 25:29). Did you grab your Bible? Go get it and read those scriptures. Please. Let’s get Busy!

To read more - get the book: “Where Did That Come From?” by Ms. "V" (Victoria Thomas Poller)

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