Thursday, August 21, 2008

Praying For Someone You Know

(Neither Hurricane nor winds, nor rain will keep this Blog from being posted – In Jesus name. It is well with our Spirit. Amen! VP)

Praying For Someone You Know

Have you ever passed a sign on the street or a landmark (Dunker Slownuts, McDougals, Burger Queen, Fifth Church on the Move, Blue Dog Bus Terminal, or The Sunrise CafĂ©); and you begin to think of a person from long ago? Hopefully it is a fond memory. A simile comes upon your face and for a moment, you’re transported back in time to that very person who was able to make you laugh when you needed to see a smiling face. When that time comes, and we’ve experienced the joy of the moment, what do we do next?

Take time to say a prayer for that person. We don’t usually know why God would trigger them into out recollection, but could this be a time for intercession on that person’s behalf? They could be in danger or just need you to request their Ministering Angels (Guardian Angels) to “Go” and assist your friend in their time of need. Your dear friend may need God to issue a “hedge of protection” over their lives. All God was waiting for was someone to ‘step up to the plate’ and ask Him to Stop By.

Ms. “V”

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