Thursday, June 12, 2014

Who’s On First?

God  Me  Family  Work
First  Second  Third        Fourth

God will lead and guide you through the affairs of your life.  You have to take care of your health and see about your needs (not wants) before you can take care of anyone else.  This also means that you don’t go to the poor farm trying to go overboard buying yourself things you can’t afford.  Your family will always be there for you.  And you need to work and get along with your co-workers in order to reap the salary that God has supplied you through your position at work.  It’s the order of things that brings success to your life.  These four important elements should be in everyone’s life.

How would you handle the following situation?  One evening, you are scheduled to go to your child’s music recital.  You are also expected to attend a going-away party for a co-worker at the office, and, on the same night, there is a revival at church—all events are scheduled to start at 7:00 p.m.  Tough situation?  Well, there are different ways to view these events. Let me tell you how I would prioritize the situation.

My child, who is a gift from God, needs my support in all that he/she attempts to do.  Either my husband and/or I would be there for them.  Usually, the revival will run more than one night.  I would let my pastor know that I wouldn’t be able to make it on that night, but, Lord willing (and He is), I would try to make it on another night.  My co-workers, especially the one leaving, should be given an explanation of why I won’t be able to stay at the party long.  If it has been placed upon my heart to give the person leaving a gift, then I would do so, along with my apology.

At this time, let me mention that our children’s activities can also pull us away from other duties that we have in our lives.  I have seen some parents be slaves to their children’s ambitions and neglect their own personal duties.  There is a happy medium, and, during family discussion times, compromises can be made for all concerned.  Also, don’t try to do everything in one night because you do need to get some rest too.

To read similar stories – get the book: Where Did That Come From?” by Ms. "V" (Victoria Thomas Poller)

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