This is a repeat article,
but with pictures of what my Husband had planned for our Anniversary.
A Wife
wife – hands you your mother’s birthday card and says, “Here Honey, sign this
and say something nice to your Mom.”
wife – juggles each day’s itinerary with a smile when you tell her—the night
before—that you forgot to remind her that she has a dentist appointment at
8:00. She already had another place by
10:00, can’t be late for lunch with you at 11:45, has a school meeting at 5:00,
a nail appointment at 6:30; the office party at 8:30 (Yes, we do socialize at
work. You never know who may need to hear the Word of God). Isn’t it a good thing she planned that hair
appointment yesterday, told Sue she’d go shopping with her next week, picked up
a few groceries yesterday after work, and tomorrow just happens to be her day
off from work? Amazing!!!
wife – reminds you that you do have children and will let you know their names
and ages when you ask.
wife – has super-sensitive hearing, which lets her know when someone in the
house calls out during the middle of the night, and built-in ear plugs to
disregard the snores.
wife – may not be the same size as she was when you met, but she continues to
be the attractive beauty you married some years ago.
A wife – tells you she loves you and
will stand by your side till earthly death do you part.
When all is said and
done, a wife – takes all this in stride, loves every moment, and wouldn’t trade
her life with anyone.
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What a blessing to share life with you. Looking forward to at least 37 more. :)
Let's make that 39 more years 😘
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