Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Keeping ‘COVID - 19’ at bay

April 5, 2020 will be Palm Sunday.  Even churches of 20 or less should make use technology with the use of online congregating, corporate worship, and hearing God’s Word through the internet.  We need to safeguard ourselves, families, and others by following the suggestions of the CDC (a US government federal agency) and using common sense.  Even Jesus was subject to the government with taxation, nevertheless, Jesus was (and still is) part of the government (Isiah 9:6-7).

One of our churches Small Group Leaders has a relative (a beautiful young woman) who was recently removed from a respirator, due to the Corona virus.  It was through medicine and the prayers of the righteous that she is recovering.  This pandemic is REAL!  It is a fallacy to think that one race or another cannot be subject to the coronavirus, if we’re not careful.  Yes, anyone can get it, or be a carrier.  Take a look at Idris Elba & Tom Hanks.  This calamity is REALLY REAL!

No one suggests that you cannot go outside and get some direct sunlight (natural form of Vitamin D).  Take a walk & relieve your mind.  Be aware of the places where “Germs” can hide.  Safeguard yourself and those around you.  Wash you hands when touching other surfaces; disinfect those areas before you use them.  Keep your hands away from your face until you do sanitize.  Avoid large crowds and maintain a 6 - 10 ft. radius from other people.

Don’t ostracize people unless they’ve been tested positive for COVID-19, nonetheless, there are ways to still be in communications with them (video chat, telephone, text, email, and social media.  Just stay in touch without really touching.  For all the huggers out there - there’s an emoji for that too.

I recently celebrated a Birthday, and in my 70 years of experience, I thank God that He brought me through Hurricanes in Florida, Tornadoes in New Mexico, diseases in Philadelphia along with illnesses and other diseases overseas and in various parts of our United States.  God has brought me this far in life and He’s taught me that I must be wise and take care of myself so that I would be able to assist others when the need arose.

Unless there is a miracle or Jesus returns, there is no need to get new Easter outfits (save your money and cut down on online spending.  Churches should continue to keep their flocks safe.  Listen to the CDC and always use wisdom — not FEAR!  Let us not lay out a fleece for God (Judges 6: 36-40), this is not the time to test Him.

Those persons who still need to work outside of their homes, please be smart & use precautions.  We should keep our homes cleaner than ever before.
#TBR (Trust God, Believe in His Word & Receive every promise that He has given).

Ms. "V"s Website

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