Tuesday, August 12, 2014

It Takes a Village – Get Involved!

"It Takes a Village to Raise a Child”; no, that phrase did not originate from a book written by Hillary Rodham Clinton, it came from an old African proverb and it’s a true statement

There was a time when teachers were the authority figure during the day while a child was in school.  Today things are different because of the integrity of some teachers & that parents believe everything that their children have to say before asking the adult what happened.  Some parents will even cuss-an-educator-out for saying something to that parent’s child.  Oh, and long time ago on the way home from school, the child might get in trouble with the neighbor up the street before having to confront their own parents.  That was an example of a real “village” which helped to raise the children in the neighborhood.

Our world is a village and crimes of injustice are children of that village.  Crimes of injustice are happening all over this world that we live in today.  As Bishop George Davis of Impact Church pointed out during a recent sermon, people should get involved and not just turn a deaf-ear when crimes of maltreatment occur.  We should take a stand to help another person who may be subject to bullying, human trafficking, or other forms of abuse.

Many times, we just don’t want to get involved.  It may be because there is a fear of retaliation, a feeling of being inadequate to make a difference, or not having the time to do anything right then and there.  Sure you don’t want to put yourself or your family in jeopardy, but there are many ways to report crimes, so you’re not placed in danger.

It’s always a good thing to check with Holy Spirit as your back-up advocate in times of confrontations.  Holy Spirit will let you know when to get involved and when to be safe and report an incident to the proper authorities.

If you don’t have a village (there may not be a mother, father, grandmother, aunts or uncles) within your family, then borrow or adopt a village.  Villages can be established through “Small Groups or Cell Groups” from church, or people you can trust like the mature woman up the street.

Always be aware of your surroundings.  Pay attention to the signs of abuse.  Get involved and be that “village” who will step up to help someone in need.

To read similar stories – get the book: Where Did That Come From?” by Ms. "V" (Victoria Thomas Poller)

NEW!  Top 5 Google Areas to Ms. "V"s Website for July 30, 2014 – August 12, 2014 are:
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   • Nebraska

Ms. “V” WELCOMES ALL the new cities & states to her site.   ***Please Check The “Reaction” Box at the bottom & let us know what you think***

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